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Core Values details

Click on the icons to expand our <br>Core Values details
Lifelong Learners Responsible Pluralist Environmentalist Innovative Well-Being Global Citizen

Lifelong Learners

Lifelong learners

Discovers the joy of learning, acquires the skills to 'learn how to learn', and promotes intellectual endeavors and academic potential through inquiry, problem solving, critical thinking and decision making.



Actively strives to inspire and ensure discipline and excellence in all pursuits based on the spirit of personal commitment to integrity, fairness, mutual respect, compassion and service to others.



Genuinely embraces an international mindsets by showing respect and tolerance towards all cultures, languages, and traditions, through engagements in the world's rich diversity, while valuing our own identity, languages and beliefs.



Participates in environmentally friendly practices through an understanding of the importance of conserving and preserving our shared, finite and natural resources.



Embrace creativity, resourcefulness and a willingness to explore new ideas, through technology and high-quality teaching and learning to be a problem solvers and agents of change in an ever-evolving world.



Promotes and recognizes the importance of physical, emotional and mental health by creating a supportive environment that cultivates resilience where everyone is valued, respected, and empowered to seek assistance and prioritize self-care in-order to thrive.

Global Citizen

Global citizen

Plays an active role in local and global contexts, with strong ethical and moral understanding, through shared accountability and acts of service to create an equitable and inclusive world.