Acorns School | Rwanda

First Aid Policy

To provide effective, safe First Aid cover for pupils, staff, and visitors.

  • To provide effective, safe First Aid cover for pupils, staff, and visitors.
  • To ensure that all staff and students are aware of the system in place.
  • To provide awareness of Health & Safety issues within the school and on school trips to prevent, where possible, potential dangers or accidents.
  • The term FIRST AIDER refers to those members of the school who are in possession of a valid First Aid at work certificate or equivalent.
  • Always attend a casualty when requested to do so and treat the casualty to the best of their ability in the safest way possible. This includes wearing gloves where any loss of blood or body fluid is evident, calling for help from other First Aiders or Emergency Services.
  • Help fellow First Aiders at an incident and provide support during the aftermath.
  • Act as a person who can be relied upon to help when the need arises.
  • Ensure that their portable first aid kits are adequately stocked and always to hand.
  • Ensure that they always obtain the history relating to a student not feeling well.
  • Ensure that in the event that where an injury is sufficiently severe (e.g. bleeding which cannot be reasonably treated with cleaning and application of a plaster, a bump to the head where the child reports dizziness or appears disorientated, injury to a limb where a bad sprain or fracture is suspected, breathing problems, fainting), the student must be referred to a First Aider or a medical professional for examination. An ambulance may well have to be called.
  • At the start of each academic year, provide the first aid team with a list of students who are known to be asthmatic, anaphylactic, diabetic, and epileptic or have any other serious illness. Inhalers etc should be clearly marked with the child’s name and are kept by the Principal.
  • Have a file of up to date medical consent forms for every student each year and ensure that these are readily available for staff responsible for school trips/outings. Ensure the confidentiality of information with regards to pupils.
  • Familiarise themselves with the first aid procedures in operation and ensure that they know who the current First Aiders are Be aware of specific medical details of individual pupils when publicized by the school.
  • Ensure that their students/tutees are aware of the importance of safety and hazard awareness.
  • Never move a casualty until they have been assessed by a qualified First Aider unless the casualty is in immediate danger.
  • Send for help to reception as soon as possible either by a person or telephone, ensuring that the messenger knows the precise location of the casualty Reassure, but never treat, a casualty unless staff are in possession of a valid first-aid certificate or know the correct procedures; such staff can obviously start emergency aid until a First Aider arrives at the scene or instigate simple airway measures if clearly needed.
  • Send a student who has minor injuries to Reception if they are able to walk where a First Aider will see them; this student should be accompanied by a member of staff.
  • Send a student who feels generally ‘unwell’ to their respective form tutor or the school office.
  • Ensure that they have a current medical consent form for every student that they take out on a school trip which indicates any specific conditions or medications of which they should be aware.
  • Have regard to personal safety.