Acorns School | Rwanda

Health and Safety Policy

The school regards Health and Safety of paramount importance and gives it the highest priority.

The objective of the Health and Safety Policy is to minimise risks to Health and Safety of the Students, Staff and others affected by the School’s activities, by identifying and then controlling hazards. The Principal will provide a positive lead in organising Health and Safety activities, using the best available knowledge and methods and whatever resources are necessary to achieve the required standards.

Accident prevention is essential for the smooth and efficient running of the School requiring full co-operation between all concerned. They are also required to act in a safe way themselves, use protective equipment provided, follow the Health and Safety Rules, Regulations and Requirements and report all hazardous conditions to the school office or Principal.AIS will ensure that there is an effective policy for Health and Safety within the school and will be responsible for ensuring the establishment and effectiveness of that programme.

The school management will periodically discuss the effectiveness of the policy with the teachers at staff meetings to ensure that any necessary changes are made. All staff should be aware that the school grounds are a non-smoking area and visitors should be advised accordingly.

Ensure that all plant and equipment, both mechanical and electrical, is maintained and/or tested regularly and that adequate records are kept. Ensure, in conjunction with the Principal, that any hazardous or dangerous conditions or situations reported are remedied as soon as possible, and ensure that any piece of plant or equipment found to be defective is immobilised until such time as a repair can be affected.
Will maintain all records relating to health and safety such as accident reports, which are reviewed on a weekly basis. The office will also ensure that each area of the school has clear Fire Evacuation Procedures in place and all Fire Exists are clearly marked.
  • Will fully familiarise themselves with the Health and Safety Policy. Will draw up safe methods and procedures, written where appropriate, for operations or activities within their department with risk assessments as required.
  • Will, as far as reasonably practicable, ensure that all classroom/work areas are safe before they are used by any person.
  • Will, as far as reasonably practicable, ensure that all equipment is safe before it is used by any person.
  • Will ensure that Protective Equipment, where appropriate, is used at all times.
  • Will ensure that any hazardous or dangerous conditions or situations are reported to the school office without delay.
  • Will ensure that all classroom/work areas are safe before they are used by any person.
  • Will ensure that all equipment is safe before it is used by any person.
  • Will make themselves familiar with the Health and Safety Policy, especially the sections relevant to themselves.
  • Will observe Health and Safety Rules at all times.
  • Will conform to all advice given by the Health and Safety Adviser and instructions of others with a responsibility for Health and Safety.
  • Will report all accident, damage, hazardous or dangerous conditions or situations to the school office without delay.
  • Will ensure that working areas are kept clean and safe.
Fire evacuation practices are held once per term. All staff must ensure that they are familiar with the procedures and fire evacuation routes. Staff will be advised when the first two practices are taking place; the third practice will be agreed with senior management only. A lock down procedure is also carried out once per year with all members of the staff.
The school staff have a Duty Rota to ensure that adequate supervision is available at all times. Staff ensure that students have a satisfactory amount of freedom in the Playground and fields, commensurate with enjoying a healthy and safe environment. The school Management will review Duty Rotas as appropriate, and in response to any concerns raised by staff.
Sport in the Schools is co-ordinated and organised by our PE teacher who is trained for supervising and refereeing the various sports for which they have responsibility and the School ensures that staff are competent to supervise the sport that they are controlling. All students are expected to participate in sports lessons unless alternative arrangements have been made with our administration. For all sports, the School requires that the relevant protective equipment be worn.
Staff are First Aid trained and will handle the situation provided that it is within their sphere of competence. At all times, a member of the Senior Management will be informed and if it is deemed necessary then an Ambulance will be summoned. In all cases the parents will be informed and advised of the extent of the injury. The staff involved should complete the Accident report forms which are kept in the central office.